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As one of the most densely populated states in the United States, New Jersey witnesses a significant volume of traffic and, unfortunately, a high number of accidents. In 2022, various factors contributed to accidents on its roadways. Understanding these top causes can help rideshare drivers take preventative measures to enhance their road safety skills.

car accident

Top 10 Causes (2022)

  1. Failure to Yield Right of Way. Whether at intersections, merging lanes, or pedestrian crossings, neglecting this fundamental rule led to collisions.
  2. Tailgating. Violating the rule of maintaining a safe following distance contributed to a significant number of accidents. Tailgating reduces reaction time and increases the risk of rear-end collisions.
  3. Disregarding Stop Signs and Red Lights. Failure to adhere to these signals jeopardizes the safety of all road users.
  4. Improper Lane Usage. Accidents stemming from improper lane changes, including failing to signal or changing lanes without proper clearance, were widespread. Following lane usage rules is vital to preventing sideswipes and collisions.
  5. Speeding in Work Zones. Speeding through work zones, where reduced speed limits are in effect, caused numerous accidents. Following posted speed limits in these areas is crucial for the safety of both construction workers and drivers.
  6. Illegal U-Turns. Making U-turns in areas where they are prohibited or unsafe led to accidents in 2022. Understanding and obeying U-turn regulations can prevent collisions and congestion.
  7. Failure to Use Turn Signals. Neglecting to use turn signals when changing lanes or making turns can confuse other drivers and result in accidents.
  8. Passing Stopped School Buses. Obeying the law and stopping when school bus lights are flashing helps protect the safety of school children.
  9. Driving the Wrong Way. Accidents caused by driving the wrong way on one-way streets or highways were notable. Understanding and obeying traffic flow rules is essential to avoid head-on collisions.
  10. Unsafe Lane Changes. Abrupt or unsafe lane changes, especially without checking blind spots, were linked to accidents. Adhering to safe lane-changing practices is critical for preventing collisions.

Legal Help for Car Accidents

IDG Legal provides rideshare drivers with access to a network of trusted and vetted lawyers who can assist you in filing car damage claims and/or injury claims for compensation – for free.

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