Make a Strong Point with the Help of a Lawyer

If you need someone to stop doing something because it is illegal or start doing something because the law requires it, a letter or a phone call from a lawyer can show how serious you are.

A letter or a call will give the other party a chance to resolve the issue. It can also help a situation from turning into a lawsuit and save you time and money in the end.

Depending on your situation, you can have an IDG Legal preferred attorney, write a letter or make a phone call for you – for free.

We Are Here For You

IDG Legal is a project of the Independent Drivers Guild (IDG). We were created to focus on providing drivers with affordable — often free– legal services and resources from qualified lawyers who understand the rideshare business and the unique challenges faced by drivers. 


How much does this service cost?

When deemed appropriate by your plan attorney, he or she will write one letter per legal matter, for free, with no limit on the number of new legal matters. He or she will also make one phone call per legal matter, for free, with no limit on the number of new legal matters.

What’s the process?

First, fill out this form from our website and submit it. A lawyer will then contact you to discuss the details of your situation and any questions you have about the service. If deemed appropriate, the lawyer will work with you to write the letter, or make the phone call.

What can you help me with?

IDG Legal will connect you with a preferred law firm from our network and assist with any follow-up or clarifications you may need.

Get Started Now

Click the button, fill out the form and we’ll get back to you right away.