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While the attacks’ on September 11th immediate impact was immense, the effect on health continues to unfold, with many survivors and responders facing a multitude of physical and mental illnesses linked to exposure to dust, toxins, and other factors.

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF), established in 2001, provides financial compensation to individuals (or their families) who were present at or near the World Trade Center site during specific timeframes and have since developed a covered illness. This resource ensures those impacted have access to efficient medical care and financial support.

Covered Respiratory Illnesses

  • Chronic Respiratory Disorders: Exposure to dust and debris from the World Trade Center site led to a range of respiratory issues, including:
    • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): This umbrella term encompasses chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other conditions that obstruct airflow to the lungs.
    • Asthma: A chronic inflammatory condition of the airways, causing wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness.
    • Reactive Airway Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS): Similar to asthma, but triggered by exposure to specific irritants or pollutants.
    • Chronic Cough Syndrome: Persistent coughing for more than eight weeks, often without a clear underlying cause.
    • Upper Airway Hyperreactivity: Increased sensitivity of the upper airways, leading to symptoms like chronic runny nose, postnasal drip, and difficulty swallowing.
  • Interstitial Lung Diseases
    • Pulmonary Fibrosis: Scarring of lung tissue, causing difficulty breathing and decreased oxygen levels.
    • Sarcoidosis: An inflammatory condition affecting the lungs and other organs.
    • Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: Inflammation in the lungs caused by exposure to certain antigens.
  • Sinus Problems: Chronic rhinosinusitis, characterized by persistent inflammation of the sinuses, is another common ailment covered by the VCF.
  • Sleep Apnea: The stress and physical demands of exposure can worsen pre-existing sleep apnea or trigger new cases, impacting sleep quality and overall health.


Covered Cancers

  • Thyroid Cancer: The World Trade Center dust contained radioactive isotopes, increasing the risk of thyroid cancer; particularly among those who resided or worked downtown after the attacks.
  • Lung Cancer: Exposure to toxins and carcinogens in the dust has been linked to a higher incidence of lung cancer among responders and survivors.
  • Other Cancers: The VCF also covers other cancers, including: 
    • Breast cancer
    • Prostate cancer
    • Blood cancers, with ongoing research examining potential links to World Trade Center exposure.

Mental Health Conditions

While the VCF does not directly compensate for mental health conditions like PTSD and anxiety, funds can be used to cover medical treatment for these conditions. Additionally, the World Trade Center Health Program provides mental health services and resources to eligible individuals.

Beyond the List

It’s important to note that the VCF list of covered conditions is not complete. Emerging research continues to identify new illnesses potentially linked to 9/11 exposure. Individuals experiencing any health concerns related to 9/11 should consult a healthcare professional and consider seeking legal guidance to navigate the VCF application process.

Get Support from a 9/11 VCF Lawyer

IDG Legal is partnered with a law firm that represents 9/11 victims and their families seeking benefits from the Fund. 

Their lawyers have since recovered over $100M in financial compensation for those suffering from 9/11 toxic dust exposure. If you think you or a family member qualify, tap below to fill out the form, and a lawyer will be in contact within 48 hours. All consultations are free for IDG Legal members!

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