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Defensive driving means you drive in a manner that utilizes safe driving techniques and strategies. As a professional driver, it’s important to know the strategies that go beyond instruction on basic traffic laws. Thankfully, the Independent Drivers Guild (IDG) offers drivers a chance to take a course that can assist you in driving in the safest manner possible.

What does the Defensive Driving Course Offer?

In this class, motorists learn to reduce driving risks by improving skills of anticipation and making safe well-informed decisions in a time span of 6 hours. Decisions taught in the course are implemented based on the conditions present while completing a safe driving maneuver.

How Do Drivers Benefit From Taking the Course?

Besides being taught safe and effective driving techniques, drivers benefit from the course in three other ways. This includes:

  • A $300 check that’s mailed to you from The Black Car Fund.
  • The reduction of points on your drivers’ license after a ticket(s). Four points off of your DMV license, and three points off of your TLC license.
  • 10% off of your insurance rates.

What Topics Are Covered in the Course?

  • Traffic crashes
  • Psychological factors
  • Human factors (DUI)
  • Safety equipment
  • Crash prevention techniques
  • State traffic laws

What Days is the Course Offered?

The course is taught 4 days per week; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

What Other Courses Does the IDG Offer?

  • 5-Star Classes for drivers that are deactivated.
  • ESL Classes

Where is the Course Taught?

The IDG and The Black Car Fund offer the Defensive Driving Course at their office locations: 

Independent Drivers Guild

41-09 36th Street #3

Long Island City, NY 11101

The Black Car Safety Center

38-38 Crescent Street

Long Island City, NY 11101

How Do I Sign Up for the Course?

You can sign up for The Black Car Fund Safety Class, a qualified defensive driving course taught at the Black Car Safety Center or at the Independent Drivers Guild location, hereIf you need assistance signing up, call the IDG Legal Helpline at (646) 687-7587 and we can help you.

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